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Still Learning!

Colonel’s Blog, Earthdate 8 August 2023…

Hey Y’all!

Good evening and happy Tuesday! We awoke to a very nice 64 degree day and the high topped out at 83. It’s forecast to be raining by the time we wake up in the morning and continue through midday. The animals are great! The highlight of the day is the hogs. They are loving their new paddock. I added a couple of pics of them enjoying the grass. I also added a pic of the beef chickens, growing away. The beef chicks in the brooder are a week old and are also growing. Shelley, Makaylah, and I had our semi-annual dental cleaning this morning and I know you are all wondering how it went. All is well with no issues to report. Good to go until February 2024. After a quick salad for lunch, Shelley and I went to work on Episode 2 of the Dust’er Mud Podcast. It took a while to finish up talking points and get everything set-up. We plugged the camera in this time, since midway through the last episode the battery died and it made editing a nightmare. About 20 minutes in, the camera shut off again. GRRRR. This time, it would appear that it was heating up and out of an abundance of caution, shut itself off. We found that setting and changed it to prefer staying on than cooling off. We finished up and started editing. About 3 hours into editing, the program shut down unexpectedly. No worries, it auto saves the entire time you are working. There isn’t even a save option, it’s so automatic. I opened the program back and it wasn’t there. I looked and looked. Finally Shelley found some info from Mr. Googlepants and I tried it, and after about 30 minutes was able to find a saved copy! Elated, editing continued until time to eat and start evening rounds. I’ll try to finish up after I publish the blog so that I can get everything uploaded tomorrow for a Thursday morning release. It takes a few hours to get the file into YouTube. Although the learning curve is steep and there are frustrations, we are thoroughly enjoying this and plan to continue podcasting for a long time.

Local Farm Report for 7 August 2023:


28 Chicken eggs

12 Duck eggs

6 1/4 Gallons of milk


Psycho & Shelley

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