Colonel’s Blog, Earthdate 15 August 2023…
Hey Y’all!
Good evening and happy Tuesday from Air2Ground Farms! Amazingly beautiful weather today! Cool breeze and upper 70s with plentiful sunshine. We’ll have another day or so of this weather and then it will revert back to hot and muggy. The animals are all doing very well with nothing significant to report. We continued to preserve garden harvest today and Shelley made an egg delivery to town. We spent the majority of the day working on episode 3 of the Dust’er Mud Podcast. We are absolutely enjoying this and look forward to the future. We’ve had 46 folks watch episode 2 on YouTube and 10 folks have listened on various podcast sites. Shelley’s initial goal with this thing was to get 100 people to listen and we’re over halfway there! The top pic today is a screen capture during recording today. I think you will enjoy this week’s episode as we surprise each other with some recollections of working together over the past 2 years. We felt like it would make a better conversation if we didn’t rehearse the stories, so neither of us knew what the other was going to discuss. We hope you enjoy it!
I appreciate the multiple comments regarding the blog yesterday. You left some on Facebook and some on our website. Of those who commented, it appears that you are all in agreement with me that Missouri is fighting a good fight, standing up for our basic rights, maybe even unalienable Rights [capitalized in the Declaration of Independence]. The Declaration states “that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” The Bill of Rights is a collection of 10 amendments to the original Constitution and without them, the Constitution would likely not have been ratified. Holding the prominent position, Amendment 1 states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” I chose to restate the entire Amendment in its whole, on purpose. I think we should all read it and remember, or learn for the first time, that the government, according to the Rights afforded us as citizens of this nation, shall not abridge (reduce or lesson) our freedom of speech. We, the consenting governed, expect and even demand to exercise our freedom of speech. Period. Thank you again, Missouri for standing up for all of us. Thoughts?
Local Farm Report for 14 August 2023
23 Chicken eggs
7 Duck eggs
6 1/2 Gallons of milk
Psycho & Shelley
What about corporations acting as a proxy for government to violate our rights? Say Facebook deletes your post? YouTube bans video? Not only MO should go after the federal government but there has to be a lawsuit agains media corporations to prevent them from attacking free speech in the future.
I heard another podcaster discussing a topic similar to this. He made the point that the group of men that put together the US Constitution and the bill of rights were those that were directly affected by the over reach and control of speech and actions. They crafted these documents with the intent to keep the same thing from happening. Thank you for the reminder!
Side note: the bar area looks great and whether you intended it from the beginning I think that is a great place to create the podcast content and pontificate!
Fighting a good fight nowadays means going as far as judicial activism will allow you to.
Preservation of the republic took second place to corporate greed and government overreach. There is no common grounds to unite the country, no strong moral compass to give a sense of direction. Don’t mean to be all doom and gloom but it feels like the country is dying by a thousand cuts.
We are blessed to have these fine people in our community. They provide great products, which you cannot get in the stores anymore. We stopped shopping for meat and other fresh items as we're just down right paranoid about where it comes from and who grew it and under what circumstances. Had a friend tell me years ago: If you think your're paranoid, then you're not paranoid enough. In today's society we need our heads on a swivel for so many reasons. Having a2g in our small Missouri community is a bigger blessing than we realize and me and my family are so grateful they are. Oh, and I need to get a bigger freezer...LOL! Thanks you t…
All I can say is Amen Brother!
We both took an oath and as far as I am concerned, my oath is still in effect. Uniform or not.
Consent of the governed, indeed. Folks in DC need to read your blog!!