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Writer's picture: Rich and Shelley McGlamoryRich and Shelley McGlamory

Colonel's Blog, Earthdate 22 Feb 2023...

Hey Y'all!

Good morning and happy Wednesday from Air2Ground Farms! We got an early start today so we could complete morning rounds prior to the storms that should roll through around 1000. It was comparatively warm this morning and we were able to shed the Carhartt coveralls. Thus, the glamour shot of Shelley to prove that we don't actually look like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man without all of our layers of clothing. I successfully picked up feed yesterday in 4x 1,000 pound bags. The next two pics are me unloading a bag with the tractor to put in the barn. The fourth pic is the bags in place on pallets in one bay of the barn. We are really excited for the reduction in hassle from the paper bags, 4 big bags are way better than 80 paper bags. The bottom pic is the youngest bull calf this morning having his breakfast while his mom has hers. He got separated again yesterday. We kept an eye on them throughout the day and his mom was in the pasture eating and ruminating and he was nowhere to be seen. We went and found him deep in the woods. His mom's udder and teats were engorged and so we brought him out of the woods and reunited them. He immediately began eating and she the normal mother cow things like licking his butt. He is heavy! He is strong. He doesn't run into trees so we know he can see something. We were excited to see him out in the field with mom this morning and decided to quit worrying. We'll keep watching but are going to try to trust he and she to do what is necessary. Shelley mowed more yesterday but was not able to finish. We will wait a few days after the rain today to finish. The bar project was at a 'thinking pause' yesterday as we are working out how/where to install the sink to give us the most room for countertop, shelves, and still be able to drain. Maybe we can get more done today. We made yogurt yesterday and will make cheese today. We received our Missouri Egg Sales Licenses in the mail yesterday, so we are legal to sell eggs at the Farmers Market starting in April.

I thought to myself this morning that I forgot what Blog stands for. So, in normal fashion, I set out to learn things. Blog is a truncation of the word 'weblog' and Webster's defines it as: "a website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by the writer." When I saw this, I thought "I'm killing it!" With the exception of imbedded videos, that's exactly what I'm doing. I then thought to myself, my immediate family often asks me questions and enjoys my thoughts on current events that aren't always covered in the mainstream media. Therefore, I am going to occasionally discuss an event that may not be in the headlines of the typical news sites and provide my personal reflections on the article. Here goes the first one... Feb 20, 2023, Associated Press, Sneaking a president from DC to Kyiv without anyone noticing. The article states "President Joe Biden's motorcade slipped out of the White House around 3:30 a.m. Sunday. ...the president vanished into the darkness on an Air Force C-32, a modified Boeing 757 normally used for domestic trips to smaller airports. The next time he turned up -- 20 hours later-- it was in downtown Kyiv, Ukraine." No matter your political leanings or personal feelings regarding the president, this was an awesome undertaking. The 89th Airlift Wing at Andrews AFB, Maryland is responsible for Special Air Missions, to include Presidential aerial transport and communications. This outstanding group of professionals was able to deliver the President of the United States to a foreign capital, which is regularly under missile attack from Russia, in complete secrecy. I actually can imagine the planning that went into this effort, and airspace coordination alone is Herculean feat. Atta-boy to the professionals of the 89th!

Shelley's YouTube Short today is: Bulk feed bags! No more paper feed bags!

Local Farm Report for 21 Feb 2023:


19 Chicken eggs

8 Duck eggs

0 Goose eggs

5 1/2 Gallons of milk




Rich & Shelley

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Air2Ground Farms, LLC

Squires, MO

(417) 543-7844

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